Thursday 18 August 2011

a man to hi hard hearted lover

And wilt thou hold my heart
within thy hands so callously
as if a thing despised?
Say nay, say nay  to this cruel enterprise
to save thee from disgrace 
when thou art famed,
because of me, for obloquy.
Say nay

And wilt thou hold my heart
less dear than I, with bright esteem,
hold yours? Less dear than
all the breath that gives thee life,
the breath that I would give to thee
should nature ‘spire to leave
thee gasping, breath deprived?
Say nay.  Say nay.

And wilt thou hold my heart
as I would have it held by thee,
a treasure to keep safe
throughout the starry night,
throughout the sun warmed day,
throughout the turning seasons
and their churning ways?
Say yea. Say yea.                

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